Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

To say that it can be frustrating when you are in the mood to be intimate with your girlfriend and she is not, would be an understatement to say the least. When you want to be able to have a little bit of fun with the woman you are dating and she is not in the mood, that can make you wonder what it is that you are doing wrong. You might be looking for some advice that you can use to seduce her and make her feel just as into the idea of being intimate with you as you are with her.

Here are 3 suggestions that should be able to help you out with getting her in the mood:

1) You are probably not going to be too successful if you come on too strong, so be subtle about it.

Telling your girlfriend outright that you want to be intimate with her may not be the way to go, so you should try and work on approaching things with a bit of a subtle approach. That way, she does not feel as though you are trying too hard to get her into bed with you.

2) The more aroused you can make her feel with foreplay, the more likely it is that things are going to progress the way that you want them to.

While you may be hoping that things are going to head in the direction that you would like them too quickly, you are usually better off going a little bit slower and making sure that you get her aroused through a little bit of foreplay. Don’t be one of those guys who neglects his girlfriend’s needs, because that is going to make her a lot less likely to want to end up in bed with you.

3) Women usually need the setting to be right, so make sure that you put some effort into that as well.

You can get your girlfriend turned on and then turned off really quickly if you are in the wrong setting, so make sure that you have her in the right one. The more romantic and seductive the setting is, the more likely it is that you are going to be able to make her feel like she wants to go to bed with you. And that is going to make you a lot more likely to seduce your girlfriend without getting the brakes turned on at the last moment.


By admin

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