Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Online dating can be one of the best ways to meet new and interesting people who you’d otherwise never encounter. If you’re like many people, your social universe is probably limited to workmates, friends and friends of friends. But what if these avenues just aren’t helping you meet people you want to date. Using the power of online dating can seem like a natural next step to connect with a new dating pool. However, not everyone’s online dating experience is the same. Why do some people meet someone right away while others try it for months, yet don’t seem to meet anyone they like?

The answer is simple. It all boils down to having a great online dating profile. If you’re not getting the results you want, then we recommend these 5 easy steps to help super change your profile.

1) Show Some Personality
If you’ve spend any time on dating websites, then you’ve probably noticed that after a few minutes many of the profiles start to look the same. Everyone seems to like sushi, traveling and puppies. Most people say that they love their friends and families and enjoy being happy. How much more boring and predictable can you get? You’ve got to make your profile break out of this plain vanilla mold by letting your personality shine through. Try to think of anything interesting or unusually about you or your life and work that into your profile. For example, if you where once bit by a turtle while learning to scuba dive, that’s a lot more interesting than saying you once took scuba lessons. Try to think out side the box.

2) Less Is More
When it comes to your profile, less is more. No one wants to read a novel about your life’s story. Try to keep it short and interesting so they’ll want to ask more. A short 4 or 5 sentence description that’s interesting and funny, is much more compelling than a 3,000 word dissertation. People don’t want to spend their whole day reading your profile, so just give them a “greatest hits” version.

3) Make It Funny
Many people say that having a good sense of humor is one of most important qualities they’re looking for in a mate. Don’t over do it, but try to let your personality shine through. A good way to do this is to just think of any funny experience you’ve had that may be appropriate for your profile. Everyone has at least one or two good stories or experiences to talk about.

4) Get Some Input
If you haven’t had luck with your online profile, then maybe it’s time to get a second opinion. Talk to a trusted friend and ask them for their honest advice. They might make some suggestions or notice things you never thought of. This is especially helpful if it’s a member of the opposite sex. Try not to get defensive and take it all with a grain of salt.

5) Use Just A Few Really Good Photos
A few great pictures are better than 50 bland ones. Human beings are naturally visual by our very nature. Eyesight is by far our most dominate sense. Just ask any advertising executive. Great pictures sell. However, this is another situation where less really is more. Take a look at the photos that you have in your profile and immediately delete any don’t make you look you’re absolute best. They don’t have to all be glamour shots, but you do want to put your best foot forward. Also, one of the main purposes of these photos is to give people a glimpse of who you are and what you’re like. So it’s another great opportunity to show some personality. Instead of all your photos being stages studio shots, try using a few of you on vacation, or having fun with your friends. This will seem more natural, plus it will show that you’re fun and have personality.


By admin

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