Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Do you keep finding yourself in the friend zone? There is one surefire way to guarantee you will elude the friends zone – and that’s touching her a lot and early. Relax, not that kind of touching (yet anyway).

Shy guys will avoid physical contact with women in hopes of not offending her. The irony is that avoiding this always turns her off and thus is actually counter productive.

I decided to put together a quick guide on appropriate and attractive touching. Implementing a couple of these techniques below will sufice; there is no need to aim for utilizing each technique per iteraction.

1) As soon as you approach:

-As you begin to speak, slightly touch her upper arm, just above the elbow. Hold your hand there for 3 seconds or until she turns and gives you full attention. Make sure your touch is firm yet soft. Keep your hand open and do NOT grab her arm.

2) Within a couple minutes:

-Touch her hand. This is actually easy and can be done by “noticing” she has on a unique ring, bright finger nails, long finger nails… you get it. Once you notice her nails or ring, slowly reach for her hand and slightly cup your palm facing up as if your hand is lifting her hand upwards. Again, do NOT grab. Raise her hand upwards and tease her about whatever it is you “noticed.” I always say something like

“Thats an interesting ring, is there a story behind it?”
“Whoa, those fake nails are ghetto fabulous!”
“Your nails are dangerously long – I bet you went as Catwoman for Halloween.” (now, you can tell a story from Halloween that demonstrates value, if you wish.)

Hold your hand in place as you speak and maintain your hand in the same position once you finish talking. Since your hand is open and slightly cupped, you are not actually holding her hand – so she can remove it anytime she likes. However, she will hold her hand in the same position waiting for you to move first. This builds crazy sexual tension that other people will notice. I’ve done this before and the girl and I held hands like this for the duration of the conversation.

The amount of time she keeps her hand elevated and touching yours serves as a decent barometer of her level of attraction for you.

3) If at a bar:

– Ill use the loud music as an excuse to get closer. Do not lean in, but rather you should stand closer to her and as she talks, place your hand in the small of her back and gently pull her an inch or so closer to you.

– Lead her to a couch, bar, or dance floor. Do this by taking her hand and leading the way while you simultaneously tell her what you want to do (go to the bar, sit down, etc.)

– By far the easiest way is to take a picture together. Be sure to pull her in firmly!

– Since your at a bar, you can more freely get physical with her. This is one of my favorite techniques that I’ve had crazy success with. As you both are conversing, take her hands and place on your neck and say “that’s better.” You may have to keep your hands on top of hers ss she may resist. Tell her, “what, this is how I talk with everyone I just meet. Ill admit, its kind of weird when its a guy or old lady.” She will laugh. Now you can place your hands around her waist and simply carry on with the conversation.

This technique primes her for a kiss close.

4) Pretend you are interested in her outfit:

-This technique also builds attraction and will make her feel you view her as a unique person. Take her hand in the middle of her sentence and say, “cute skirt, spend for me.” As you say this, physically twirl her as if on the dance floor.

Once she makes the 360 degree turn, say, “Ok, what were you saying?”

5) When closing:

-As you guys swap numbers, position yourself where you are standing and facing the same direction. Slightly brace your arm against hers and hold position as you feel her body against yours.

6) Use your cell phone as an excuse:

– If you have pictures specific to what y’all are talking about, do not hesitate to show her. Instead of handing her your cell, do just as you would when you number close and brace your body against hers.

Show her you are not scared to get close and not only will you avoid the friends zone, but she’ll be impressed at your level of masculinity and assertiveness. This makes the seduction process much easier – you notice that she will start working to seduce you! Useing any of these techniques will keep you out of friend zone and frame you as a potential sexual partner. I encourage you to understand the mindset behind these actions and do not rely solely on the action itself!


By admin

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