Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

It’s Fast and Fun to Meet People Online

Where would we be without the internet? Well, you wouldn’t be reading this article for a start. In fact, this article wouldn’t even exist – and we can’t have that, can we?

The influence of the internet plays a major factor on almost everything we do; smartphones, email, gaming… the list is almost endless.

So why does meeting people online still have a certain stigma attached to it?

Social networking is hardly a new notion; MySpace, Bebo, Facebook, Google+… we’re all familiar with how these concepts click. Connecting with old friends or colleagues and sparking new relationships is a fundamental notion of a social network – but imagine taking it one step further.

Putting away the keyboard and meeting your online companion face-to-face can be a daunting experience. For less experienced users of virtual romance it may be difficult to lift the barriers of traditional cautiousness when meeting a relative stranger.

However, putting your faith in a dating-focused social networking site with a good reputation is priority if you are to stay safe when making your switch from online to offline. Read on for a bunch of top tips for squeezing the most out of your experience – and make sure your comfort and wellbeing are never compromised.

Meeting New People Is Good For You!

For many of us, meeting new people brings new experiences and challenges that provoke thought and enrich our everyday lives. However, having the time to meet a fresh group of friends can be challenging if your time has been consumed by work or family commitments – but don’t be deterred!

Expanding your circle of friends in the digital age can be exciting and easy – and many social networking sites offer other experiences such as dating. Building lasting relationships is important and here are the reasons why…

Establish New Friendships

We all enjoy the company of others – some are even reliant on it. Constructing a group of friends allows for a support network of physical and emotional help when the grind of life gets you down. And, get this; it has even been scientifically proven that making more friends extends your life. So what’s stopping you… ?

Companionship = Knowledge

Interacting with a new group of friends or acquaintances can invoke a transfer of knowledge – and that can only be a good thing. Learning is a lifelong process so involving yourself with as many different folk as possible will increase your skills for a variety of different areas.

Love Is All You Need

Forming relationships with a new group can inspire appreciation – on both sides – of different cultural beliefs and values. Implementing the teachings of new cultures can allow both spiritual and educational enlightenment – and interacting with other societies is essential to becoming a well-rounded individual.

Network Online & Offline

Building a network of useful contacts can improve your relationship and career flight path – and we all want to take that next step on the ladder. Social networking online can be ideal for these purposes as you widen the net in search of your life goals. Attending conferences relevant to your industry is also essential if career progression is your aim..

Increase Your Self Confidence

Is there a difference between ACTING confident and BEING confident? I don’t know – but what I do know is there is no greater feeling than going about your daily business with a self-assured glint in your eye. It may surprise you to learn there ARE people out there who are fascinated by you – and meeting new folk can boost your self-esteem further as their behaviours will influence your own. What have you got to lose… ?

Handy Hints for Successful Online Dating

Perception Is Reality

Just because you’ve chatted to Roger from London for the past three weeks, it does NOT mean he is who he says. Use the same judgement as you would if chatting to a stranger in a bar – if your gut tells you it’s not right then it’s usually best to trust it. Hanging around chatrooms with a bad reputation can lead to a list of undesirables desperate to meet your acquaintance – use a reputable site to reduce this risk.

Be Honest

We all have skeletons in the closet, some past misadventures we’d rather forget about. However, being ashamed of who you are leads to one of the worst mistakes you can make when meeting people online – the fabricated life story! Exaggerating your career achievements or body type will inevitably lead to trouble further down the line. Most people appreciate honesty and the internet is no different; avoid playing games and companionship can be found just around the corner…
Safety Is Paramount

Chatting online is worlds away from making that initial physical connection. Be careful not to give out personal information such as your home or work address and avoid requests for financial information, no matter how trustworthy they seem. Common sense is vital when making new connections so if you do decide to meet then it’s best to do so somewhere public. Having plenty of folk around avoids anything going wrong – always keep it neutral!

Safe Dating

Public Places Are Best

It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been chatting online – a stranger is a stranger. The virtual world allows people to create personas nothing like reality. Stay safe and meet in a public place with plenty of people around.

Plan For The Worst – Just In Case!

So you’ve met up with hunkyboy21 and it hasn’t quite gone to plan. He’s not hunky, he’s not a boy and he’s certainly NOT 21. It’s always worth having an escape route in case you find yourself in a sticky situation – but claiming a relative has suddenly died, or your dog has been run over won’t cut it. A phone call from a friend should usually signal the end of proceedings so keep them informed of progress.

Trust Your Gut

Hunkyboy21 may be the man of your dreams online, but if that personality translates into a creepy Norman Bates lookalike offline, then it’s time to take off. Don’t be ashamed to make a quick exit if you feel uncomfortable – it’s probably best for both of you.

Bring A Friend

It’s never a good idea to go along with a date if you have doubts – but if you feel the need to give them a chance then it’s perhaps worth bringing a friend along for the ride. If things don’t spark then it’s good to have an acquaintance to share the pain.


By admin

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