Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

A common goal for virtually every guy who has an interest in a certain lady is getting her number. This usually happens in person or maybe by way of note or through a mutual friend perhaps. With the social media boom over the last few years, Facebook has become a major player in friendships and even relationships. Can you get a girl’s number on Facebook? If so, how do you do it? Keep reading for the answers.

The best way to get girls on Facebook is add them after meeting them first. Yes, in person is still the best way to do it. You meet a girl and introduce yourself. Use your full name to do it. This will increase the likelihood of getting her full name and after that you can get specifics. Once you have certain specifics to make sure you don’t mistakenly add someone else, add her on your Facebook.

If, after introducing yourself, you only get her first name, repeat it once, then again with a questioning tone at the end, leaving the conversation open for her to fill in the blank.

The day after you meet her you should add her. If she tries to start a conversation with you, you should ignore her at first. Once you see her again online, respond with something simple like “hey”, and nothing else, especially not anything as to why you didn’t answer the first time.

When adding a girl, just add, don’t leave a message or anything saying why you added her; just do it. If she asks why you added her or are trying to, then send her an email of your number. This shows that you know how this game works and that she should, too.

The next step is to block off any photos that you are tagged in. Filter the photos that are seen strictly to those where you are looking your best. Another good tip is to show off lots of photos of different girls. These women should not be random. However, don’t be interested in any of them and make sure the photos again have you looking and feeling your best.

Next thing you should do is ensure that every status update you write is interesting enough to get lots of likes and comments. This brings out that sense of popularity and you can show that you care about the individual. To do this more effectively, don’t make status updates that are general for everyone.

To get all of these comments, make a status update based on something that someone else was discussing, but put your own style to it or focus on a different aspect of the subject. Check out other people’s statuses and comment on them as well as like them. This will bring people to your status updates and get comments.

To ensure that people look for you, fix your name so that either an ‘a’ or a dash comes before your name. You will come first on friends’ lists so you will always be visible. If you are a familiar face, you will be instantly more attractive.

The next step to getting that girl’s number is check out when she’s online the most, look at her likes and statuses, times she made her comments, etc. Once you have the basic schedule down, go online and wait until she talks to you. She may not, but she may just stay on to watch you.

Around the second conversation is when you give her your number. If she talks to you, maybe tell her something like you don’t chat, give her your number, and then go offline. All these tips that have been mentioned so far are designed to get her interest up.

Another trick you can employ is the old reliable jealousy scheme. Have some girl who is comparably attractive to the one you’re after comment a lot on your wall, statuses, etc. This sparks that competitive spirit.

Utilizing these tips and tricks go a long way in helping you get the girl you’re after. If you’d like more tips on how to get the girl you want through Facebook, feel free to ask. I have lots of ways to do it.


By admin

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