Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Have you ever wondered what men really think about when they see a woman? Do you know what men really want from a relationship? There are plenty of questions that women seek out when they are trying to become successful in the dating game or when they are trying to breathe new life into a long-term relationship. Because of that, it is important that you are able to work through these questions to get a better understanding of men.

Perhaps the first thing you need to know, if you are dating, is that when a man meets a woman, they aren’t always thinking about hooking up. This is a misconception that women often have. Instead, they are weighing you up as either a potential friend or someone who they can have a romance with. What men want is a woman who is confident and strong to spend time with, and also someone they can nurture and care for to build a life with.

But if you really want to know what men really think on a topic, at its very essence is the communication you have together. What men want is for you to be open and honest with them and be willing to communicate with them enough to tell that what you need – clearly and without ambiguity. Despite their best efforts, most men struggle to know what their girlfriend or partner needs and, of course, you will ensure you are right alongside him as his guide.

This open and honest communication will not only help deepen your relationship, but also bring you both to a common understanding. For example, if he is a reserved individual and you need someone more outgoing, you may discover that there are ways you can both compromise to meet each other’s needs. In this way, the fact that one prefers their own company (and yours) to others and the other enjoys boisterous evenings with friends won’t matter at all.

If you experience jealousy or over-protectiveness in your relationship, this too can easily be explained. What men really think when you are looking at other guys is that you are sizing them up and comparing them to what you already have – perhaps you will not want them or you will try to change them to be more like what you are seeing. What men want is for you to be satisfied with them and for you to demonstrate that you do appreciate and admire them. At the end of the day, everyone wants to be loved and to experience that love. Communication that works this way is fundamental to really understanding each other and will lead you to really know what he thinks about and wants from you.

While you are being open and communicating, remember this is a two-way street. Be willing to both take and give emotionally. Every successful relationship is one that has some degree of balance to it. If you find the balance is skewed and you are sucking energy out of your relationship by constantly unloading your problems and stress, then you need to stop and be willing to listen to him. When he opens up about his day, offer him some words of encouragement; put your own things to one side and truly listen and share his experience with him.

Above all, you need to understand that what men really think about when they are evaluating their relationships is, ultimately, how you make them feel. He wants to know that you put him at the heart of things and that you love and respect him above others. And he needs to hear that he is successful in showing you the same in return. Once you have this sorted, the groundwork for your relationship is in place. You simply need to foster that openness and balance and you are well on the way to understanding what men want and how you can ensure that both of you have your needs are met.


By admin

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